The ImPactful Teen Innovation Sandbox is a camp experience for teenagers to engage in social good innovation. This program combines design thinking, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and podcasting to promote civic engagement and create local impact. Students work in teams to identify a local issue, interview civic leaders, and then use design thinking to prototype their solution and pitch it to a broader audience.
ImPactful Teen Innovation Sandbox
Program Includes
- Research-based social good innovation
- and podcasting curriculum with over 30+
- activities
- Innovator’s Guide
- Teacher’s Guide and Teacher Kits
- Professional development options to
- build capacity
- Onsite or online
- 1 week to 1 semester in length
Good for onsite shortened time events such as summer camp, after school programs, or homeschooling.
Student Outcomes
- Develop an innovator’s mindset
- Identify social issues that impact
- the local community
- Understand how civic leaders are
- addressing local problems
- Increase team building skills
- Develop and synthesize 21st
- century digital communication skills
- Situate local problems within the
- context of the UN Sustainable
- Development Goals (SDGs)